
  • We ensure that every item delivered to our warehouse is handled with care. Our team inspects each piece, capturing a minimum of three photos to document its condition. If a Purchase Order is provided ahead of time, we’ll reference it to confirm accuracy upon arrival. This attention to detail ensures every item is properly accounted for.

  • Once an item passes inspection, it is logged into our warehouse operations system. This system assigns each item a unique barcode for easy tracking and designates its specific storage location. We take pride in ensuring that all items are stored safely and are ready for delivery when needed.

  • At the close of each workday, we provide a Receiving & Inspection Report to keep you informed. You’ll know exactly what items were received, inspected, and stored, giving you peace of mind that your products are in good hands. If any damages are identified, we contact you directly through your preferred method—whether it’s by phone, text, or email.


  • Our secure and climatized storage facilities ensure your items are protected for as long as needed. Whether it’s short-term or long-term, we prioritize the safety and condition of your products, providing flexible solutions to fit your project timelines.

Delivery + Install

  • When you're ready for delivery or installation, booking is easy through our private access calendar. We’ll confirm all the important details, from room locations to specific installation requirements, so our team can execute flawlessly. While we currently rent trucks for our deliveries, we’re exploring the option of purchasing our own fleet to better serve our clients. Our dedicated team of delivery drivers and installers, along with trusted subcontractors when needed, ensures every job is handled with care.